
Today as my web-site for my book is launched, I sit here actually with tears in my eyes. They seem to be tears of joy and are quite surprising. Why didn’t they come the day I held my book in my hands and actually knew that I had finally written a book? Funny how we

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Sit comfortably and relax into a gentle pose. Think of your fingers relaxing, the muscles in your neck relaxing, breathe gently as you feel tensions leave your body. As you relax think of a moment when you felt loving kindness. It may have been a time when you helped someone just for the sake of

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Sit comfortably in an area where you will not be disturbed by others or outside influences. Ensure your back is straight but not rigid and that you are comfortable in your pose. Close your eyes. Breathe gently and feel the chest expansions and contractions. If your mind wanders, just come back to feeling your breath. Create

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